
    Acknowledging the open-source community.


    Open-source software libraries and frameworks help to power our digital world. The OntoSpark app utilises the following 3rd party open-source libraries, the authors of which to whom we are eternally grateful.

    Animate.cssDaniel EdenCross-browser animations.Hippocratic License 3.0
    BootstrapBootstrap TeamDesign templates for web components.MIT License
    DataTablesSpryMedia LtdAdvanced interactive HTML tables.MIT License
    Font AwesomeFont AwesomeIcon library and toolkit.SIL OFL 1.1
    GulpGulp ContributorsStreaming build system.MIT License
    i18nexti18next ContributorsInternationalisation framework.MIT License
    IntroJSUsablicaOnboarding and product walkthrough library.GNU AGPLv3
    JQueryOpenJS FoundationDOM traversal, manipulation & event handling.MIT License
    MustacheMustache ContributorsLogic-less templates.MIT License
    Node.jsOpenJS FoundationJavaScript runtime environment.MIT License
    rdflib.jsLinked Data TeamLinked data API.MIT License
    SweetAlert2SweetAlert2 ContributorsResponsibe popup boxes.MIT License
    vis.jsvis.js ContributorsDynamic visualisation library.MIT License
    WebpackWebpack Core TeamJavaScript module bundler.MIT License