Known Issues

    OntoSpark limitations and known issues.

    Current Issues and Limitations

    The current release of OntoSpark has the following known issues and limitations. Please refer to our changelog and roadmap for further information.

    Maximum File SizeOntoSpark currently supports a maximum file size of 1 MiB.3.x
    Limited File TypesOntoSpark currently only supports OWL RDF/XML files with the application/rdf+xml MIME type.2.x
    Partial OWL SupportOntoSpark currently only provides partial support for the OWL vocabulary, specifically the following OWL constructs:
    • Annotation Properties
    • Object Properties
    • Classes
    • Class Property Restrictions (allValuesFrom, someValuesFrom, hasValue)
    • Class Axioms (rdfs:subClassOf)
    • Named Individuals
    Please refer to the W3C OWL Language Reference document for further information.
    SPARQL QueriesThe ability to execute SPARQL queries in OntoSpark is currently an experimental feature.2.x