
    Troubleshooting and error codes.

    Error Codes

    If you encounter an error whilst using the OntoSpark app, please refer to the following table for a list of error codes, descriptions and resolutions.

    OntologyNameLengthErrorInvalid ontology name.Please enter an ontology name between 3 and 100 characters in length.
    OntologyNameContainsInvalidCharactersErrorInvalid ontology name.Ontology names may only contain alphanumeric characters along with standard punctuation.
    OntologyBaseUriLengthErrorInvalid ontology base URI.The maximum supported base URI length is 2048 characters.
    OntologyInvalidFileExtensionErrorUnsupported file extension.Please select a file with an extension supported by OntoSpark. Please refer to the current limitations for further information.
    OntologyInvalidFileMimeTypeErrorUnsupported file MIME type.Please select a file with a MIME type supported by OntoSpark. Please refer to the current limitations for further information.
    OntologyEmptyFileErrorEmpty file.Please select a non-empty file.
    OntologyFileSizeTooLargeErrorFile too large.Please select a file with a size less than the maximum file size supported by OntoSpark. Please refer to the current limitations for further information.
    RdfParserErrorRDF parser error.An error was encountered when trying to parse your ontology. Please check the type, integrity, structure and validity of your ontology.
    OWLRDFJSONLDParserErrorJSON-LD parser error.An error was encountered when trying to parse your ontology. Please check the type, integrity, structure and validity of your ontology.